Well well well... You see it alot with blogs and mine in particular but its not intended whatsoever. Im talking about content lapses. I am responsible for not 1, not 2 but three major breaks in this blog. A tut tut should be ushered and a slap on the wrists given for such shoddyness to be beholdened to you, the reader. But, alas I have chosen to take up the mantle of Migrainer... I mean Wargamer once more as I delve into the paint pots and produce for you some miniatures!
Now, less babbling incoherantly and more pushing pictures into your retinas!
Here is my Witch-Hunter Captain, a bog standard GW Witch Hunter from this edition. Wonderful miniature to paint, filled with lovely detail and charm. Also, my first attempt at using Finecast, which isn't as bad as I'd first thought it might be. Might have to try out some more of these new fangled resin miniatures in the future...
Next is the first of the 3 other Witch hunters in the warband. This one is an Avatars of War miniature and as with each of the other miniatures has no conversions/GS stuff done to it whatsoever.
This is the second Witch Hunter, again no changes but shows how the older GW figures (E.G. 90s Dogs of War) stand the test of time and work well with other miniatures created in any period of GWs history, or any company for that matter.
Here is my Warrior-Priest, Another Avatars of War miniature. Love this guy. Just a magnificent miniature that shows off all that it is to hold the faith of Sigmar as a weapon against evil. Hopefully he gets Soulfire again in my next campaign so I can AoE some zombies into ashes again!
Heres the final Witch Hunter, again an unchanged one. Love the stuff that came out of the era of Warhammer Quest, I've got a few of the metal miniatures and I cant wait to paint them all up. Would also love to make some Quest boards and a way of random generation without me having to print the cards out or buy them of ebay for exuberant prices.
Here we have the crazed lunatics that follow the Witch Hunters around. 5 Flagellants with great weapons, these mad bastards are not to be triffled with. Slight bit of conversion work here where I simply took the flail heads off the flagellant sprues and put them on the ends of the shafts to make big maces for the crazy mob to run around with. The first guy (the one with the torch) is the Lad's got Talent guy and there is a slight adjustment in his arm that was done by simply gapfilling and resculpting the robes on his arm.
Next up we have a Hired Sword. A Trollslayer to be exact. He's another Avatars of War miniature and just like the Warrior-Priest was an absolute pleasure to paint. Last time I played I got stuck in with this little guy as a mercenary but I might get to use him as a hero in a Dwarven Treasure Hunters gang pretty soon. Note the last picture, Im going to finish this miniature with a little bit of water effects to create a small pool of goblin blood right behind the head.
Now where theres witch hunters, there tends to be the taint of Chaos and this gang wouldn't be complete without showing you my next project. Here is the start of the next gang I intend to work on, The Cult of the Possessed. I started by creating the body of the gang, the Darksouls. These are simple conversions using flagellant bodies repositioned at this hips and filled in with GS where there were holes and marauder horsemen, beastmen and warriors of chaos weapons and accessories. Finally, they have GS masks covering their faces all except for the Lad's got Talent guy (pictured on his own) who doesn't need to hide behind a mask and shows his loyalties to the Dark Gods openly.
These guys will have some additions to them in the future when I find inspiration/have money but in the mean time I have a hell of a lot of other miniatures to paint including nearly all of the Hired Swords (I dont yet have a Road Warden, Highwayman or Beast Hunter), Some Vampire related stuff, Reiklanders, Middenheimers, Dwarves, Villagers and NPCs, Orcs and Goblins, Skaven... The possibilities of what I paint next are nigh-on endless! I also want to post some fluff about each of the Warbands and the characters there in which will be modified each time they are played. I also have ideas a-plenty about a whole range of mordheim rules/settings related stuff to talk about and even some possible terrain projects lined up but all of these things will have to wait until another day...
So until next time, Keep your blades enriched with Deeds of Violence
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