Tuesday, 6 November 2012

First update since the 39th Millennia! (or at least it feels like it)

What can I say, its been a whirlwind of a year but now Im back and am actually going to post something! Oh Great Cthullhu, he might actually do it I hear you cry? well, you'd be right. The reason I stopped doing this blog was because the RPG accounts were very time consuming and no matter how much I try to cut down on the amount of stuff I was writing, there was always more detail (I will be posting the end of Dark Heresy on here soon, but there probably wont be any more RPG logs for a while). So for the minute as Im not regularly playing (which brings a tear to my cheek as dust gathers on my D20s), I'll actually be posting on things that are relevant to the name of the blog... yes, WARGAMES! Woohoo! Expect pictures and new thing as they arrive/get painted/blow up on the tabletop.

And to get the ball rolling, here's a list of things that are on my Wargames Agenda for the next couple of weeks.

Firstly, Sunday will be my friendly neighborhood Wargames Club all day event, in which I will be playing some 40K and also marauding on the High Seas with some newly painted pirate miniatures (pictures on the way) in the club-member created game of YAAAAARGH!! Yes, that name is awesome, bet you wish you'd thought of it first.
One of the Scurvy Dogs with just base coats done. More on him and the rest later.

Next up this month will be an overview of some of the projects that I have on the go at the moment, including Mordheim warbands/Warhammer Quest heroes and monsters, My log on my progress in building the wonderful boardgame of Super Dungeon Explore! which I only have a few miniatures left to build and is ready for a play through and...
Super Dungeon Explore!

Finally this month I will (hopefully) recieve my copy of Sedition Wars - Battle for Alabaster! which i've been waiting tobe released and shipped to me since the Kickstarter ended. I'll be doing a Progression log through my unboxing and building of all those wonderful Strain creatures and Vanguard troopers.

For now, Heres a picture to keep you interested..

The long awaited pictures of my (repainted) Adeptus Arbites Gang from Necromunda.

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