Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Boon of Tzeentch - Changes and Miniature Pictures Finally!

Hail, Children of Technology!
Tis I, Redbranch, here to bring you some Snapshots of Violence from the land of the young!

Its been all go on this blog the last 2 days and you may have seen a few changes, if not, then welcome all the same. First new thing is the lovely banner that is now lining the top of my page, made by me yesterday as i really felt that the page needed a good banner.

Secondly, you may notice that there is a lovely new section called pages to the left of this box. Well ladies and gentlemen, i felt that it had been long enough that i hadn't posted some miniatures onto this site, so if you click on any one of them it shall take you to one of the 3 new pages that i have set up to display my armies and models. the first is my current 40k army, The Emperor's Children. This army is an ongoing thing that has been made my focus in 40k so expect it to be teeming with bizzare sights and tintilating wonder as the power and magesty of Slaanesh takes a new part of your soul as you gaze at every new image. Dont dwell there long, as it is said that daemons most powerful lurk within the gleaming jewels waiting to rend and despoil at any given moment (as you shall find out very soon, does the name Juan Diaz ring any bells?).

The next link contains the log of my fur clad, axe weilding, bearded northerners known across the old world for their seafaring, pillaging and general wanton destruction of the southern men. Yes, the norsemen are loose and only the blood of an Emperor or last breath of a Tzar will sate their bloodlust. The Marauder themed Warriors of Chaos army that i have been working on for 3 years has finally got one unit finished! I have plans in hand to bring these Barbarians into 8th edition and so you should check that log out to see what they are, if you dare to face the true masters of the north that is?

The final log is a look into the eye's of Tzeentch itself and see the ever changing collection of random miniatures that i have floating round on my workbench at any given time. this log will contain an assortment of GW miniatures, old and new, as well as several other companies that i like. This will be the place to go to see any Necromunda miniatures (once they've had a re-paint), BloodBowl, Hordes/Warmachines, Malifaux, Gorkamorka, Mordheim, Inquisitor and many more games. There will also be work by me on there that i have painted just for the hell of it and it is the current location of my 40k Orks army (for now at least).

So its been all go here the last 2 days and dont expect me to let up any time soon. I'll leave you now with a little sneak peak at an army i'll be doing in the near future (as soon as i can get a new bracket for my air compressor)..

Look familliar to any of you Long Beards out there? well you'll have to wait a while at least to see the who lot of 'em.

Until then, Keep your Blades enriched with Deeds of Violence!

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