Pleasures From The Warp! - The Emperor's Children

Hail Children of Technology!

Tis I, Redbranch, Here on this new page to bring you my snapshots of Violence from the land of the young and Behond! Here on this page, you shall find all the painted models that i have finished (or nearly finished) for my Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines army for Warhammer 40,000!

First off, we have my first Noise Marines Squad

Heres the Champion with Doom Siren and Power Weapon

 Above are some Single Shots of the Blastmaster, a Normal Marines and the Icon Bearer.

Here is the Full Squad
Heres a close up on the Head of the Blastmaster, I really like the face of this model.

Heres the Squads Rhino. The Havoc Launcher on the roof is actually magnetised so that i can remove it and avoid having it snap during transportation. An great little idea that came from one of my club members is to put a small circular piece of paper (like the ones from hole punchs) into the hatch hinges, stopping it from opening unexpectedly. Unfortunatly i was told this afterwards but i shall try it out on my next rhino.

This Model is the current champion of my close combat marine squad. He was given a converted Doom Siren for the purpose of blending in with the army and also for Apocalypse battles but he may well become a Lord if the rumoured new codex contains rules for Slaanesh Lords with Doom Sirens (which i very much hope it does).

 Heres the rest of the squad that are painted. I still have 3 to do before i can say that this squad is complete. Their made mostly from Khorne Berzerker bitz but there are a mixture of Assault Marine, Space Wolf and Warhammer Chaos bitz in them too, especially the champion who is made from 6 different kits!

Heres a close up of the free hand design on the banner. I dont rate myself very good at freehand but i over the course of this army i shall try to improve.
Here is my Sorcerer Lord and stand in as Lash Jockey until i can afford or be bothered to make a Daemon Prince. The Story behind this model is that he was originally my Scrap Daemon entry at Games Day UK 07. I didn't win anything but i just wanted create a Possessed Terminator. After aquiring some CSM stuff in 2007, i dug him out and made him a Sorcerer Lord of my then Black Legion army. He was then left until 2009 when i decided that he could do with a new staff and weapon and some Pink Paint. The Lash of Submission is made from a piece of wire and some Green Stuff.
Here's Lucius. He's bog standard, i havn't done anything to him. The paint job was inspired by the actual background of Lucius. The GW model has flesh coloured armour; the idea is that the person that kills Lucius becomes Lucius and their face adorns his armour in a state of agony, so shouldn't his armour stay the same colour? I could understand if it was Marius or Julius (I forget which one, from Fulgrim by Graham McNeill) when he goes crasy at the end and covers himself in the flesh of the people he killed in Le Fenise, but its not. I think that GW should revise that painting error as to me, it just seems silly.

I have another Noise Marine Squad, Another Rhino and a Land Raider still to paint so i will put them into this log as soon as their paint is dry.
Until then, Keep your Blades enriched with Deeds of Violence!